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Best Fish Recorded in 2011 (GB Boat)
Bass Buddy Cairns 12lb 4oz Valkyrie September -------
Bream Black Jim Grant 4lb 0oz Jenifers Pride 5 May -------
Brill Mick Doody 5lb 12oz Valkyrie 3 August -------
Bull Huss Chris Goddard 15lb Valkyrie 26 Nay -------
Cod Warren Slatter 30lb 4oz Grey Viking 21st January -------
Conger Eel Chris Goddard 55lb Tiger Lily 26 May -------
Gurnard (Tub) Jim Grant 3lb 6oz Tiger Lily 16 October -------
Ling Jim Grant 22lb Valkyrie 26 May -------
Plaice Roy Hebburn 5lb 0oz Tiger Lily 3 September -------
Pollack Nigel Gross 15lb Valkyrie 13th March -------
Ray Blonde Warren Slatter 26lb 11oz Valkyrie 24 September -------
Ray Small-eyed Alan Whittaker 10lb 8oz Aly Kat 16 May -------
Skate Common Dave Ball 177lb Laura Dawn 20 April -------
Smoothhound Common Linda Talmadge 12lb 2oz Valkyrie 10 April -------
Smoothhound Starry Peter Thatcher 12lb 0oz Aly Kat 15 July -------
Tope Mick Doody / Peter Thatcher 2 x 30lb Valkyrie 26 May -------
Turbot Buddy Cairnes 8lb 15oz Valkyrie 2 August -------
Wrasse (Ballan) Paul Harcus 3lb 2oz Trio 26 July -------
Wrasse Baillon's Roy Hebburn 4.5oz Tiger Lily 4 September -------
Sailfish Mick Doody 84lb Kenya Jan 2nd -------
Sailfish Dave Ball 74lb Kenya (Tega) -------
Striped Marlin Dave Ball 125lb Kenya (Tega) -------
Grouper Dave Ball 82lb Kenya (Tega) -------
Boat Species 2011
Mick Doody - 35
Roy Hebburn - 35
Jim Grant - 28
Peter Thatcher - 28
Chris Goddard - 21
Peter Talbot - 19
Linda Talmadge - 13
Matthew Gibbs - 11
Warren Slater - 11
Alan Whittaker - 11
Farooq Shah - 10
Nigel Cross - 9
Dai Richards - 9
Bob Sparrow - 9
John Barnes - 8
Simon Harding - 8
Jack Slater - 8
Jim Henley - 7
Sam Lane - 7
Buddy Cairnes - 6
Oliver Folarin - 6
Brian Masters - 6
Paul Harcus - 5
Robin Whitewick - 5
Len Miles - 3
Julie Thresher - 3
David Musgrove - 2
Bob Nye - 2
Jason Weller - 2
George Weller - 1
Boat Comp Species 2011
Mick Doody - 10
Jim Grant - 9
Chris Goddard - 7
Peter Thatcher - 7
Simon Harding - 6
Roy Hebburn - 6
Farooq Shah - 6
Linda Talmadge - 6
Matthew Gibbs - 5
Paul Harcus - 5
Bob Sparrow - 5
Nigel Cross - 1
Boat Angler 2011
Roy Hebburn - 81
Chris Goddard - 70
Alan Whittaker - 69.5
Mick Doody - 64
Peter Thatcher - 56
Linda Talmadge - 49.14
Jim Grant - 49
Nigel Cross - 39.4
Farooq Shah - 37.64
Matthew Gibbs - 23.25
Warren Slatter - 22.75
Peter Talbot - 20.64
Bob Sparrow - 20
Jack Slatter - 18.75
Dai Richards - 18.66
Julie Thresher - 16
Paul Harcus - 8
Simon Harding - 8
Oliver Folarin - 7.5
John Barnes - 6.66
Sam Lane - 3
Robin Whitewick - 3
Jim Henley - 1.5
How trophies are awarded
2 Boat Angler of the Year (BAOTY) points per club member present for angler catching the biggest fish -
1 BOATY point per club member present for the angler(s) catching the most species -
BAOTY points for Club Competitions depend solely on competition positions (overall and in boat)
one BAOTY point for each competitor beaten in each case. -
Only the BEST FIVE trips/comps for each member count towards Boat Angler of the Year. -
1 species competition point is awarded for each species caught during the year -
If members take charter boat spaces on an "individuals basis" or enter competitions, as long as at least two club members are
present and a report is promptly submitted to the fish recorder, the trip will count towards the "Annual Species Hunt" and the "Boat Angler of the Year"
competitions. -
All and any fish caught during the year by a currently PAID-UP member are eligible for most of the other annual trophies (Cod Cup, Tope Tankard etc.).
Please report any such to the fish recorder promptly. If the report is delayed too long it may become impossible to verify and therefore not be alloweable.
Sunday 29th December 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Last trip of 2011.
Eight club member and two guests sneaked another trip in between the patches of rough weather. Calm and warm considering it is the end of December.
We did get a bit wet at the end of the day but what do you expect at this time of year.
The target was cod and we started out anchoring Bullocks Patch but after perservering for about four hours with just a few whiting and a couple of conger
we joined most of the other boats out near to the Nab Tower. There we found three blonde rays (16lb, 17lb and a little one) and a small-eyed ray. With a
few dogfish and pout that completed the catch for the day.
Biggest fish was a 20lb conger for Chris Goddard and Mick Doody had the most species (4).
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 18th December 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
Cancelled due to weather
Sunday 4th December 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Very cold day.
We anchored to the South of the Nab Tower, straight away Alan had a 17lb cod, a few whiting followed, and a few whiting in the afternoon.
Very slow fishing. Peter Talbot had an 8lb small-eyed ray.
The points for biggest fish went to Farooq's for a 25lb conger and he shared those for most species (4) with Nigel Cross.
[Report by Mick]
Sunday 20th November 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
A good day between storms.
Lots of bream about, about 80 on the boat (in November!).
No biggest fish recorded and the points for most species (4) was shared between Mick Doody and Peter Talbot.
[Report by Mick]
Friday 18th November 2011 - Newhaven - Carrick Lee (Frank Shaw)
Just the two club members (Peter Thatcher and myself) were booked onto this bass fishing trip.
The forecast was not good but we knew that when we booked (southerly and over 20 knots). We had been warned - not a day for faint hearts or
weak stomachs.
The plan was to get a few small whiting as bait and then head out for the bass. The problem was that the whiting just were not taking.
After more than two hours, the only bait fish fish we had were a couple of mackerel and one whiting although three tub gurnards
a garfish and a dab also appeared.
We headed out for the bank hoping to get a few more mackerel out there.
Mackerel yes and bass but they came mostly to the mackerel feathers apart from one larger one (5 - 6 lbs) the crewman "Alice?" managed to
get on a mackerel bait.
By the end of the day the boat must have had well over fifty bass (most of which were returned).
Of the two of us Peter had the most species - mackerel, tub gurnard, bass and mackerel and we did not weigh any of our bass.
Another good days fishing although not for the fainthearted.
Report by Jim
Sunday 6th November 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
In a strong northerly breeze 9 intrepid anglers set off to catch Cod and Whiting in the Solent where some reports of larger fish had been received
by the skipper Glen Cairns.
All the boats in the fleet had the same idea (fishing outside of the shelter provided by the coastline would not have been feasible!)
and whilst we did hear one report of a 15lb Cod being caught, none fell to our baits despite persistent effort.
Pout and Whiting were abundant and several smoothound pups put in an appearance. Dogfish were also present and a solitary butterfly of a
Thornback joined the party.
The tea kept coming which was most welcome on a sunny but chilly day.
Most species at 4 each were shared between Mick Doody and Farooq Shah. Biggest fish for a 2lb Thornback went to Alan Whittaker.
[Report by Roy]
Tuesday 1st Noveber 2011 - Club Meeting (AGM)
20:30 start.
Minutes of last AGM.
Treasurers report - Nice and healthy with about £1000 pounds in the kitty not including members deposits for the longer 2011 trips.
the treasurer mentioned the great contribution to club funds made by the raffle (Jim Henley) and the sale of lead wieghts (Alan Whittaker)
during the year.
Beach report - A good time was had by all on the expedition to Wales although the weather meat that the venue was altered to Paortcawl pier
which apparently meant lots of climbing up and down through the woods! Next year Ilfracombe (which also needs the climbing boots!).
This years Flounder competitiom will be on the river Arun near Ford prison on Sunday December 4th and possibly a second one later in the month.
Boat report - reports covering 4 days at sea iand one cancelled due to weather - see below .
Boat bookings - there are still a few spaces left this year but the one trip in January and February are already was filled.
Places are already being booked on the longer trips next year. To reserve a place on these longer trips a DEPOSIT is REQUIRED (cheque or cash).
Fish recorder/Publicity - Club record tub gurnard equalled.
Free boat draw won by Bob Nye.
and then there was the raffle..
AOB - Its Subs time and most members present paid up while we enjoyed a light buffet supplied by Linda Talmadge (big thanks to Linda)
Finished about 9:50.
Saturday 29th October 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
A full crew of ten club members out to the banks for the bass.
Weatherwise a variable sort of day with everything from light winds and overcast with light drizzle to bright sunshine and a stiff breeze.
After a little try about fifteen miles out we got down to serious bass fishing. Everyone used light weights and a trace of about 20lb. Some
tried artificials and others went for frozen sandeels or large ragworm. It was hard work getting any fish but there were a couple of takes on
artificials (both which were lost) but the fish all came to Mick Doody using ragworm.
When the tide eased off a bit, inn went the anchor and down went the baits for half an hour.
Then when the tide got too much, it was off inshore to the shallow water for bass again.
This time it was heavier weights and quite a bit of end tackle was lost. Mick managed a couple more and there were a few others.
As well as the bass there were a couple of nice bullhuss (10lb), pout and dogfish of course, a good blonde ray (22lb), a tope and a couple of whiting.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 16 October 2011 - Weymouth - Tiger Lily VI (Chris Caines)
Mick and Jim again on an individuals trip.
The Saturday had been a good one on Tiger Lily with a good catch (particularly of cod and good sized bream) and with everybody on board
being experienced we had vey high hopes and even decided on a little sweepstake for MOST of each of these two species.
Just let us say that it was a little disappointing on the fish front. Nobody caugt more than TWO bream or three cod and so neither Mick or myself
won any money. We even tried anchoring the kidney bank but that only prduced one brill.
Highlight of the day for me was a Tub Gurnard which equalled the current club record (3lb 6oz) and for Mick a lesser weever which
put him back on an equal footing with Roy for the species hunt.
Between us we also had bream, dogfish, garfish, and mackerel with five species each and the biggest was my tub gurnard.
Report by Jim
Saturday 15 October 2011 - Weymouth - Flamer IV (Colin Penny)
Just Mick and Jim on an individuals trip after flatfish.
The first event was mackerel fishing which was hard as the shoals now seem to have broken up and they only come up in ones and twos.
Then it was dragging worms for the plaice which was more successful with some nice plump fish coming aboard, nothing huge but all sizeable.
We finished the day drifting with mackerel strip for turbot and brill.
A great day out and Colin kept the tea flowing and we enjoyed it. Our first time on the boat but unlikely to be our last.
The two of us both caught dogfish, pout and mackerel and of course plaice and Mick also had a turbot which was also our biggest fish
Report by Jim
Thursay 13th October 2011 - Newhaven - Carrick Lee (Frank Shaw)
Peter Thatcher, Oliver Folarin (a new member, joining in September) and myself fished on Carrick Lee today out of Newhaven.
A dry day with light wind and ideal conditions for light ground fishing.
The tide was too strong to go out deep so the morning was spent in Cuckmere Gully after Cod.
We were pestered by Whiting but a few Codling were taken. As the tide turned we went towards Brighton to
fish a new 'hot water pipe' mark for species various and Cod.
This time we were pestered by Pout but again, a few codling were taken!
Fishing was consistent all day and between our Club members we had eight species, with Oliver taking the largest, a Codling of 5lb.
Breakdown as follows:- Oliver - Codling, Whiting, Pout, Mackerel, Tub Gurnard and Dab. Roy - Starry Smoothound, Whiting, Pout, Dab, Scad and Mackerel. Peter - Whiting and Pout. So I shared most
species with Ollie on 6. Black Lug was the killer for codling which Peter and I lacked. Rag found the other species but a lesson learned.
An interesting experience and good day all round.
Report by Roy
Sunday 9th October 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
CANCELLED - due to bad weather forecast.
Tuesday 4th October 2011 - Club Meeting
20:30 start.
Minutes of last meeting.
Treasurers report - A bit down on the usual level for this time of year. Mainly due to the four unfilled spaces on the recent trip
but nothing to serious.
Beach report - Not much recently on the beach but Simon Harding has an unassailable lead for the year. Flounder competition details
will be announced next month.
Boat report - reports covering seven days at sea including the 2-day BCC competition - see below .
Boat bookings - there are still a few spaces left this year but the one trip in January is already was filled at the meeting. It was agreed
that those who failed to book the January trip would get priority when the bookings for the February trip are taken at the next meeting.
If you want the best chance of getting on the boats you have to attend the meetings. Places are already being booked on the longer trips next year.
To reserve a place on these a DEPOSIT is REQUIRED (cheque or cash).
Fish recorder/Publicity - No change.
Free boat draw
and raffle.
AOB - Peter Thatcher has now taken over the responsibility for the cups and trophies. He would like if possible to get them in at the next meeting
ready for any maintenance required before engraving.
Finished before 10:00.
Sunday 2 October 2011 - Weymouth - Lone Shark III (Richard English)
Just Mick and myself joined an trip with eight other anglers.
Another really hot calm day (This is October!?).
This was billed as a bream and plaice trip and so it turned out.
First the bream at anchor, and there were plenty of those about plus a few other species including a bullhuss for one of the other guys.
Then drifting for the plaice. I suppose there must have been about forty or fifty bream caught, most of which were sizeable and over a dozen
plaice. Mick and I had our share of both and everyone seemed to have a good day. I had heard of Richard's fishing tuition and saw it in action as
he helped a couple of the less experienced with their technique.
Onother excellent day - Thanks Richard!
Most species went to Mick Doody (3), he had a ballan Wrasse as well as the plaice and bream) and the wrasse was the biggest fish either
of us caught.
[Report by Jim]
Saturday 1 October 2011 - Weymouth - Outrage (Rod Thompson)
Another first time with seven club members aboard and the same four guests as the previous day.
Another hot calm day.
Very much the same marks and sequence of events as the previous day (see below) but this time there were a few more fish species.
We did ask Rod to eastimate the weight of a fairly large conger BUT he produced a large strong net and proceeded to net it and lift it
aboard, it then lay in the net quite quietly while it was weighed (48lb) and the hook was removed. It appeared to be less stressful for the
fish than being "teed off" at the side of the boat (maybe this is the way to go?).
We caught bream, bullhuss, dogfish, a HERRING, a TOMPOT BLENNY, mackerel, pout, pollack, poorcod, scad, conger and a GOLDSINNY WRASSE.
Another excellent day, thanks to Rod.
Most species went to Roy with eight including the three mini-species in capitals (above) and the biggest fish was Mick Doody's conger.
[Report by Jim]
Friday 30 September 2011 - Weymouth - Amarisa (Ron Brown)
First time on this boat and we had six club members aboard together with four guests.
Nice and calm and one of the hottest days out at sea this year.
Fish just kept coming all day.We started off tryinhg for mackerel (not very successfully) then anchored on a bream mark just on the edge
of the race.
When the tide got too strong there it was off to the other side of the Bill to some mixed ground where "there could be practically anything".
"Practically anything" turned out to be bream, bull huss, dogfish, red gurnard, mackerel, pollack, poorcod and pout as well as a couple
of edible crabs and a large squid.
An excellent day, thanks to Ron Brown and his son Keith.
Most species was a 3-way tie between Mick Doody, Peter Thatcher and myself and the biggesty fish was a 20lb cpnger for Chris Goddard.
[Report by Jim]
Saturday 24th September 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Only six club members aboard so there was plenty of space. Nice and sunny and very little wind.
First it was out to the banks for an "hour" to try for blonde rays, brill and turbot.
Very slow to start with but when the tide got away, and just when we were thinking of moving, the blondes started feeding. After over TWO AND A HALF
hours we decided that we just had to use the ragworm that Glenn had bought on our behalf, and headed for the mussel beds.
Anchoring on one little patch of mussels part found a few but then hearing that the main fleet were doing well on the main beds we went off to drift
with them. Some plaice were caught there together with a few odds and ends.
We ended up after three of four "last drifts" with a very respectable total catch for the day.
Six anglers caught about a dozen blondes up to 26lb, over thirty plaice, one brill, one dab, one tub gurnard, a couple of doggies and even a
late mackerel. An excellent days fishing.
Sam Lane was the man who attracted the most blondes (5 of them). Warren Slatter got the biggest (26lb 11oz) and the points for most species were
shared by Sam Lane and Peter Thatcher who caught five each.
[Report by Jim]
An "individuals day" which included only two club members. The weather was not good and although it was forecast to improve during the day, it got
worse if anything. It was not comfortable with two out of five anglerd seasick. There were not very many bream about but there were a few little ones.
tope and a couple of smoothhounds caught on the bream tackle and the feathers. Big baits were mainly shredded by the small bream.
There was a mackerel or two and a couple of scad and dogfish caught as well but it was not hardly fast and furious.
Jim's Tope and Linda's Smoothhound were not weighed so the biggest fish was a tie as was the species.
[Report by Jim]
Saturday/Sunday 17/18th September 2011 - Looe - Mistique II (Dave Bond)
BCC Affilated Clubs Championship
Disappointingly only five teams were entered for the competition this year and Guildford sent two of them. Our "A" team was made up of Mick Doody
and Chris Goddard and the "B" team members were Jim Grant and Peter Thatcher.
Day 1
Only three and a half teams made it as far as the boat, Three anglers finding the rugby on the television more attractive.
The weather was slightly better than the forecast so instead of hiding under the cliffs we made for the nearer bit of the Eddystone reef.
Anchoring was difficult but we had a few eels and then after the SECOND time the anchor rope got chafed through (Skippers nightmare - two grapples
irretrievably lost) we came inshore a bit where the bottom was a bit better and the expensive anchor could be used.
At the end of the day Guildfor "B" was in the lead and Guildford "A" was sitting third.
Day 2
Now only 3 teams (6anglers)
Weather a little bit worse (more rain and wind) BUT a bit more northerly so we actually headed out for a small wreck, then another further
Guildford "B" started off by increasing their lead and then were slowly overhauled by the other two teams. Those who did poorly on day one
managed to do much better and by three o'clock all three teams were level. A final spurt gave Guildford "A" the lead and "Superrods" pushed our
valiant "B" team back to third place.
It looks like the "B" team will have to wait until next year to get their revenge when this competition will be at LITTLEHAMPTON.
For more details see BCC website
Among the "Guidford 4" Peter Thatcher had the biggest fish (28Lb) on the first day and Chris Goddard had the biggest (33Lb) on the second day.
Species were adjudged a four-way tie as the mackerel rods were set up for bait with more than 3 hooks.
[Report by Jim]
Saturday - Sunday 3 - 4 September 2011 - Weymouth - Tiger Lily VI (Chris Caines)
Species competition against the Barnes Brothers.
As, due to holidays and unforseen problems, only Mick Doody, Roy Hebburn and Peter Thatcher could make it on the day (they are the ones
on the right) so they we had to "borrow" Colin Barnes and Oliver Folarin from the Barnes team to even up the numbers.
Day 1:
Species caught. Mick Doody - Dogfish,Mackerel, Pout, Red Band Fish and Starry Smoothound. Peter Thatcher - Dogfish, Bream, Common Goby,
Dragonet, Mackerel, Poor Cod, Pout, Plaice and Scad.
As a team we were roundly beaten on the first day with four of our anglers coming in the bottom five! I was lucky however and majored on the
species ending up the boat's top rod on the day with a 50 point leading margin.
Most species Roy Hebburn - 12 and biggest fish 3.5lb Plaice Peter Thatcher.
Day 2 :
Roy Hebburn - Dog Fish, Launce, Sand Eel, Red Gurnard, Plaice, Ballan Wrasse, Goldsinney Wrasse, Cuckoo Wrasse
and Baillon's Wrasse (4.5 oz club record).
Most species Mick Doody 11 and biggest fish to Roy Hebburn with a 5lb Plaice (weighed on the boat and confirmed at home).
As a team we performed much better with Mick being top rod on the day. The Barnes boys were surprisingly poor on the small species, so we
comfortably overhauled their lead and ran out winners of the competition.
Overall I was top rod on points.
A great couple of days.
Here is a a picture of the Baillion's Wrasse and there is a great write-up by Chris Caines (with pictures) of the trip on the
Tiger Lily Skippers Noticeboard so go and have a look at that too.
although it omitso mention that Ricky and I each caught a Baillon's Wrasse which, for me weighed at 4.5 oz, is a club record.
[Report by Roy]
Sunday 28th August 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
CANCELLED - Boat breakdown (weather forecast was not brilliant anyway).
Monday - Wednesday 22nd - 24th August 2011 - Weymouth - Tiger Lily VI (Chris Caines)
The Weymouth Conger Festival
The five club members took part were Mick Doody, Chris Goddard, Roy Hebburn, Peter Thatcher and myself (Jim Grant).
Monday Seven O'clock start to try and get a jump on the other boats. First to "The Bill" feathering up a load of mackerel before
heading out for one of the more distant wrecks to the west. Big problems with the wind over tide. Unusually the problem was a LACK of tide,
the boat kept getting pushed off the wreck by the light breeze and if the eels were at home they did not wish to come out from the wreck even for our
delicious selection of offerings (mackerel, cuttle and kipper).
We actually tried a couple of other wrecks but the problem was the same at each one and we did not find an eel for hours.
Finally on the last wreck we got a few, ending the day with just fourteen eels between the ten of us on the boat.
Boat winner was very definitely Jeff Sawyer who had the most eels (3), most points (30) and the biggest one (48lb)
As far as the club was concerned-
Biggest fish was Peter's 48lb eel and most species (3) was shared between him and Roy.
Seven O'clock start again, but the weather was quite nasty. Yours truly was one of the two those whose breakfast did not stay down and
there were a few others who went a litttle pale as we bumped our way out. This time it was straight out to one of the slightly closer wrecks,
catching some more mackerel to add to those left from the previous day before we dropped the anchor.
Quite quickly into eels but not really fast
and furious as the wind again pushed us off target. When the tide changed Chris decided to try a much larger wreck. We just made it there in time,
because as we were preparing to drop anchor, Richard English turned up on Lone Shark. Luckily there are two wrecks close together and as we got the
larger one ("First there - First choice") and he took the smaller one a couple of hundred yards/metres away. Straight into eels again and they just
kept coming. We finished the day with everybody catching at least ten eels, a new Tiger Lily record (115 eels one day not including the two or three
double hooked ones) all of which were returned, two big ling (16lb and 19lb), and a lot of very tired anglers. Incidently the "Lone Shark" crew managed 80eels on their boat as well.
Boat Winner with 105 points was Mick. Most eels - 14 each for Mick and myself. Biggest eel - 55lb Chris. Most species for a club member -
4 each for Mick and myself.
Hero of the day - Aaron (our crewman)- Releasing over a hundred eels in one day has to take it out of you and his arm must have felt
like it was dropping off by the end but he was still cheerily jumping about as he cleaned up at the end of the day.
In the evening the skippers provided a "Hog roast" at the "Sailors Return" which was followed by a charity auction of fishing tackle
in aid of an epilepsy charity. Another (larger) auction of tackle will take place at the Weymouth Angling Cub premises. I think the date is around
about 18th October during the Weymouth International Boat Angling Challenge (BUT PLEASE CHECK).
Still on the more local wrecks but a bit like "after the Lord Mayors show". Not a bad day, in fact a good day by most standards. It was hard to
get mackerel and getting the boat anchored went from difficult to impossible where we were in the aftenoon so we came in a little bit early but we
still had 43 eels caught.
Boat winner on points was Ed Povey (45), with the most eels (7) and Chris had the biggest eel (45lb).
Club members - Most eels - Peter (5). Most points - Chris (40) as well as the biggest fish (45lb). Roy had the most species (7).
In the evening there were the official presentations. Where Geoff Sawyer gained a splendid fishing reel for coming second on aggregate points 263.59 (155) as well as
taking the plaque for best on Tigerlily.
Over the three days we, the five Guildford members, caught loads of mackerel, a number of pout, several red gurnard, a dogfish or two, a pollack,
a ling, a few scad, and even a poorcod as well as a total of 87 congers.
A great three days, an excellent competition, and we all hope to fish it again next year - in fact we have booked both the boat and our accomodation at
the Monarch Guest House.
[Report by Jim]
Monday - Thursday 1st - 4th July 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Alderney trip - only two of the crew (Mick and Buddy) were club members.
Monday set out from Hayling Island on a flat sea, mid channel we stopped for mackerel then straight on to Alderney. Bass first then turbot.
Mackerel Blenny Bass Turbot Scad Pollock Sand Eel
Mick caught 6 species including a 6lb turbot.
Mackerel Blenny Bass Turbot Scad Pollock Sand Eel
Tuesday Turbot fishing with Buddy getting one of 8lb 15ozs. The sea was flat calm.
Bass Turbot Mackerel Sand Eel Launce Brill
Mick 6 species and Buddy with the biggest fish which was the 8lb 15oz turbot.
Good weather and warm sun. The turbot were slow so we headed for the washing machine, an area of great turbulence at the top of Alderney. We saw a thresher shark feeding on bass or mackerel.
Bass Turbot Mackerel Sand Eel Launce Bream Pollock Bass caught up to 8lb (Mick).
Mick 7 species and 8lb bass
Thursday Weather not good with torrential rain all day. On the way back we fished a wreck with Pollack, cod and mackerel being caught.
Pollock Cod Mackerel
Mick 3 species
Mick biggest 16lb 4oz cod
[Report by Mick]
Sunday 31st July 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
CANCELLED due to weather.
Sunday 31st July 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Twenty miles out to the banks for the bass.
Nine aboard, all club members.
The first couple of drifts were unproductive but then a move of about a mile or so and we were straight into fish. Half a dozen came
aboard in the first few drifts and then as the tide slackened they slowed down. Approaching the slack some mackerel were feathered up and the
anchor dropped.
Not much joy at anchor and when we went back to drifting only a few more bass were taken.
Not exactly fast and furious BUT it was a lovely day to be out there. The tea and coffee flowed like tea and coffee should and compared with
other boats out there we did very well with a dozen and a half bass, a few dogfish, a few launce, a smallish tope, a scad plenty of mackerel
to take home.
Peter Thatcher had the most (5) bass. Most species went to Chris Goddard and the biggest fish was declared a tie between my bass and Chris' tope
so 18 points to Chris and 9 points to me (Jim Grant).
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 24th July 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
Weather was ok and improved during the day. We went out deep but the fishing was not good.
Mackerel Dogfish Tope Smooth Hound Thornback
Biggest 8lb Thornback Alan
Most Alan 4 species.
[Report by Mick]
Thursday 21st July 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
Another "individuals" day. Just two club members aboard. 7:00 start with excellent sunny calm weather. A few mackerel on the way out were no problem.
It was at anchor that it got disappointing. First try we found nothing at all apart from a couple of dogfish and a little bream between six of us.
A move around the slack did not make things a whole lot better. We did see a few more small bream and doggies but that was about it apart from
one bass of about two and a half pounds and mackerel which were taking our baits on the way up. We all decided that the mackerel were there for the
taking so everyone feathered up enough to take home.
The biggest fish by far was Lindas's bass, and as she also got three species, she earned six BOATY points. I just managed two dogs and a load of
mackerel which compares pretty poorly with Linda's couple of bream, her stack of mackerel and a nice bass. Still a lovely day to be at sea.
[Report by Jim]
Wednesday/Sunday 13 - 17th July 2011 - Minehead Aly Kat (Dave Roberts)
For this five day trip we drove down on the Tuesday and stayed overnight at The Old Ship Aground
Over the course of the evening all eight of us arrived and met up in the bar where we also got our instructions from Dave "Early start 7:30 all aboard
with all the kit including overnight bag". This translates as "7:30 ready to go = 7:15 on the dock with all the gear = 7:00 finish breakfast = 6:30 breakfast
(thanks Mel) = 5:45/6:00 alarm".
With this in mind and showing our normal remarkable restraint we stayed in the bar chatting (and drinking) just long enough to meet Dai who was the last to
arrive (all the way from Aberdeen) and for the bar to close.
Day 1 (Wednesday)
All aboard with our mountain of tackle and ready to go at 7:30ish
Heading down the Bristol Channel the sun got stronger (sun cream and hat advisable), the wind kept light and the sea stayed reasonably flat,
unlike the previous year when it was like being on a ride at Alton Towers in a monsoon. The first stop was to see a dead Whale (interesting but
quite decomposed and very whiffy so we didn't investigate too closely.
Then it was a few drifts for bass. Some of us seemed to get the hang of it straight away (obviously the ones that had done it before). Some got
stuck on the bottom consistently (they need more practice). Some just did not seem to get into the bass (they were the ones not using red-tailed lures.
The most successful were using little red-tailed mackerel-like sidewinders.
Leaving the bank we then continued on our way, anchoring a couple of times, where we used our squid and frozen mackerel to target the ground feeders and
a couple of us tried for mackerel but the water was much too cloudy.
We ended up with about 25 nice bass in the cooler (plus quite a few small ones that were returned even though within legal size), about a dozen
bull huss (up to 14lb), a spotted ray, a good pollack, a 15lb conger and a red gurnard.
Biggest fish was Dai Richards's Conger and there was a three-way tie for most species (4) between John Barnes, Dai Richards, Peter Thatcher, so
18.266 points for Dai and 2.66 each for John and Peter.
Then it was into Ilfracoombe for the night.
Day 2 (Thursday)
Due back on the boat for 8:00 ish so breakfast in a local cafe that also provided excellent sandwiches etc for lunch. Got on board 8:15 and headed
further down the channel where the water was clearer. The sun was scorching again, just a little breeze - marvellous!
No problem with mackerel here so we loaded up. Plenty for lunch (first priority), plenty for bait today (number 2 priority) and even plenty to put
in the cool box for tomorrow (Fri).
Now to anchor, Near Lundy for tope where we got a couple then further inshore for other species and then again on our way back to Minehead.
So the catch for the day was three tope, lots of mackerel, numerous dogfish, half a dozen bullhuss, a poorcod, half a dozen small turbot, a whiting,
a small-eyed ray, two grey gurnards, one tub gurnard, and a 2oz lesser weever (a new club record).
All 24 points went to Roy Hebburn, his 25lb tope was the biggest and he was the only one to manage seven species.
Back to the "The Old Ship Aground" except for Roy who was off to other places.
Day 3 (Friday)
Only seven of us on the boat and the weather is still good but starting to get a bit more cloudy and freshening.
Looking for rays we tried several marks over on the Welsh side and in mid channel but they were not there in any numbers, or they were sulking, or
we weren't very good at catching them.
This time we ended up with three people catching congers (biggest 40lb), lots of pesky dogfish, half a dozen small-eyed rays (to 9lb 4oz)
a 12lb smoothhound, and four turbot.
Peter Thatcher was the "Man of the day" (four species and the 40lb eel (21 points).
Day 4 (Saturday)
A special little species competition under Aly Kat rules - the idea is to catch four each of as many species as possible.
For this we were joined by our new member, Julie Thresher (her husband, Roland was acting as crew).
Well Dave tried all over the place but the only things that were biting well were dogfish but most people managed a small-eyed ray and there were
also congers to 30lb and a few tope pups.
Result - Julie won the competition just ahead of Peter Thatcher and also had the biggest fish (30lb conger) giving her 16 points. Peter
had the most species (4), so he gained 8 points.
Day 5 (Sunday)
Cancelled due to the weather forecast - so we all went home after breakfast.
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 7th June 2011 - Club Meeting
20:30-ish start, Not so many present.
Apologies from the Secretary and the Treasurer.
No Minutes of last meeting because no Secretary.
No Treasurers report because no Treasurer.
Beach report - After the first two legs of the competition, it is still wide open although Simon has a respectable lead.
The next Beach competition is Tuesday 20th of July.
If interested contact Paul Harcus for the latest state of play and to arrange bait.
Boat report - reports of 1 trips plus the BCC Members Comp - see below .
Boat bookings - There are few spaces apart from the competition in September. See calendar for
current spaces available and ring Roy if interested.
Fish recorder/Publicity - Nothing new.
"Free" boat draw won by Dave Musgrove.
and the raffle - even the chairman won a prize.
AOB - Bog Nye reminded us that their were still spaces available for 2-man teams at the BCC affiliated clubs competition in Looe. So anyone who
belongs to a club affiliated to the BCC (its only £25 p.a.) is entitled to fish (its a great weekend) and next year (2012)is the BCC 50th anniversary
when the competition is almost certain to be at LITTLEHAMPTON where it all started..
Finished before 10:00.
The British Conger Club Individuals Championship.
Registration was at the Brixham Sea Angling Club where the current British record Conger Eel now resides in a glass case on the wall.
Three club members, Mick Doody, Chris Goddard and myself went down for the competition.
The three of us fished together on Our Joe-L the first day and as there was an option to enter for a team prize (4-man teams) Mick Roberts who
was drawn on another boat was recruited to make up the number for a team ("Micks and Match")
The Saturday was pretty windy and Our Joe-l was beng blown around a fair bit but we still finished the day leading both the individual (6 eels)
and the team event (12 eels).
Sunday was a lot stiller but really misty. It was still difficult for the boats to anchor the wrecks successfully and we were not so lucky, only
managing one eel each giving the 2-day totals of 7 (individual) and 16 (team).
Still s very good competition and well worth entering. We three at least intend to do it again next year
The other new departure from previous years was the addition of the BCC AGM held on the Saturday evening in the Brixham fishing club. After the
business of the meeting was concluded, an excellent buffet was provided. We were very impressed with the organisation of the evening. All credit to
the committees of "British Conger Club" and the Brixham Angling Club.
Well did we win any prizes?
YES actually we did quite well.
"Micks and Match - were AWARDED Runners-up in the team event.- BCC tankards and filleting knives all round. We actually had more points than the
winning team but a bit of a calculation error crept in somewhere.
Jim Grant (THATS ME!) in the middle with Bryn Lavis - Winner of day 1 - BCC tankard, Braid scissors and also "Most eels returned" BCC tankard, Braid line.
For results piccys etc have a look on the BCC website
Mention must also be made of accomodation - We were extremely well looked after by Pam and Bill of the
Brioc Hotel - A really nice place, very reasonable - Parking organised, Early breakfast and they even found glue to make an emergency
rod repair after a tip ring came out during Saturday.
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 14th June 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
The weather was really nice all day - nice and sunny with hardly any wind at all.
Six club members aboard and two guests, Glenn's mate Dave and Jim H's grandson Steve (pictured with the spotted ray he caught)
We fished inshore, not far from the Nab Tower, expecting mainly bream and smoothhounds but neither of them seemed to be about in any numbers even though
we moved a couple or four times.
Started out on the bank, came in to a rocky bit when the tide picked up, on to a sandbank and back to another rocky bit. We finished off with a
mackerel session to get a few fresh ones for tea.
It wasn't fast and furious and there were a few really quiet times but we did manage eleven species between us (a bream, some dogfish, some pout,
a thornback ray, three small tope, a couple of stary smoothhounds, lots of mackerel, a spotted ray, a coldsinny wrasse, a ballan wrasse and a
Biggest fish - a nice 7lb 7oz thornback for Jack Slatter (I hope I am still fishing at his age!)
Most species - 6 for Steve (a guest) so the points for that got split between the 4 club members who got four species each.
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 7th June 2011 - Club Meeting
20:30-ish start, quite a good turnout.
Minutes of last meeting.
Treasurers report - Still looking good with a healthy balance temporarily boosted even further by pre-payments toward the Minehead trip
Beach report - The first competition of the year went off smoothly. Four club members plus a few from Bisley turned up. Some nice hounds
were measured and the winner on the day was Roy Hebburn (1.02cm = 8lb 12oz). Second Ron Ruggins 92cm followed by Paul Harcus (91cm) and
Simon Harding (90cm). The next Beach competition is Tuesday 21st of June. Bait is, at the moment, a bit problematical but shouls be sorted by the day.
If interested contact Paul Harcus for the latest state of play and to arrange bait.
Boat report - reports of 6 trips plus 2 cancellations - see below .
Boat bookings - There are a few spaces and one boat trip has had to be cancelled (September 18) due to lack of support. See calendar for
current spaces available and ring Roy if interested.
Fish recorder/Publicity - We now have visiting cards with the club contact details and website address also some car rear screen notices
"Guildord City Sea Angling Club.....GCSAC" and A4 notices for tackle shops - see jim for supplies.
Free boat draw
and raffle.
AOB - Farooq asked if ANYONE could insist that boat places should be allocated by a draw on a normal club trip. It was confirmed that this was true.
Finished before 10:00.
Sunday 5th June 2011 - Club Competition at Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget) and Chinquita (Larry Halliday)
This was the resheduled club competition (22nd May) that was cancelled. It nearly got cancelled again because the forecast was pretty poor.
In the end it was a great days fishing. The two boats stuck together so close that at times we could see what the other boat was catching and
even have a shouted conversation. We started off inshore fishing the edge of the rock down Bognor way, and then as the tide turned and the wind
dropped moved out further to try for the bream and pollack. Lots of fish caught.
The results -
Winner -Mick Doody 274 points
Second -Chris Goddard 212 points
Third - Jim Grant 207 points
and then
Peter Thatcher 187 points
Roy Hebburn 154 points
Farooq Shah 130 points
Paul Harcus 128 points
Simon Harding 109 points
Linda Talmadge 88 points
Matt Gibbs 81 points
Bob Sparrow 69 points
Nigel Cross 15 points
And the prize for the biggest fish also went to Mick Doody for a Thornback of 9 pounds.
[Report by Jim]
Thursday 2nd June 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
Another "individuals" day but with four club members aboard making it look like a takeover. Lovely sunny day with very little wind (unfortunately
what there was was easterly. Target was bream. We were quite successfull but had to work hard to tempt them, lots of little pecks rather than decent
bites. Everybody on the boat getting a few. No huge fish but some quite respectable ones to take home. There were also pout , dogfish and a pollack.
The biggest fish was declared a four-way tie (none weighed) giving 2 points to each member and Jim was thoe only one with three species for 4 points.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 29th May 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
Wednesday 27th May 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
What a day!!! A very early start (5:45). First stop was for a few mackerel for bait and then right out to a distant wreck, with bacon butties on the way
(thanks to Matt), where we spent most of the day and some of the early evening. Right away we were into fish, they should have been called la morue,
grondin rouge, congre, lingue, lieu jaune, maquereau, tacaud, tope, roussette, aiguillat et la raie bouclée because we were nearer to France
than England.
This was originally planned as a two day event - Fish a wreck or two, go into Fecamp or Le Havre for a nice French seafood meal, stay overnight and
then have another day's fishing on the way back. Unfortunately due to the weather forecast (strong westerlies) it was decided that we would not be
able to get back on Thursday so we would fall back on PLAN B.
Plan B was to fish a wreck or two, back to Hayling, go out again Thursday and fish inshore for bream etc.
On the way out we plumped for Plan C. We cancelled Thursday because the forecast was even worse in favour of having an extra long day, going to
distant wrecks over the other side of the channel and perhaps stopping off for a bit more fishing on the way back to break up the run a bit.
The only departure from plan C was that we spent most of our time on just one wreck (only about 15 or 20 miles from Le Havre).
An excellent day. The action never stopped. Everybody got plenty of fish (well done Glenn), plenty of coffee and tea (thanks to the tea boys) and
there was even cake (thanks Mick).
Chris was the bull huss specialist catching double figure ones with apparent ease. One of them was weighed at 15lb but could well have been bigger
because we could not get the scales to give a steady reading (the club record is 15lb 4oz) - Sorry Chris
I (Jim) could not avoid the ling, they seemed to take anything, big baits, small baits, sidewinders were all jumped on as soon as the lead hit
the bottom.
Dai,having travelled all the way from Aberdeen, somehow managed to catch fish despite having one of those days when everything tacklewise
conspires to let you down. Apart from being stuck in the wreck and being tangled by others he had two or three reel failures and a broken tip ring.
Peter was definitely concentrating on the quality fish, taking the biggest cod of the day. The only fish less than 10lb I saw him with were mackerel
and mostly they were being prepared as bait.
John concentrated mainly on pollack, hauling them in on a sidewinder, both on the drift and at anchor.
Mick tried everything to nail all the species going and still shared the credit and points for biggest fish.
Matt seemed to have appointed himself catering officer and still landed plenty of fish.
Roy seemed to be into decent fish every time I looked his way.
Finally, with the sun setting over the sea in the west, we stopped fishing and headed back home, getting into Langstone about 10:30.
Final result.
Biggest fishes - a pair of tope for Mick and Peter (8 points each)
Most species - 10 each for Mick and Jim (4 points each)
OK - all the fish (in English this time)
a number of cod to 25lb, one tub gurnard, several conger eels to 28lb, lots of ling to 22lb, quite a few pollack to 12lb, enough mackerel for bait,
half a dozen pout, half a dozen tope to 30lb, lots of bull huss to 15lb, a few dogfish and a thornback ray.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 22th May 2011 - Littlehampton - Club Competition
CANCELLED - nasty forecast.
BUT we have managed, at very short notice, to arrange a second boat for Sunday 5th June, so we are holding the competition then.
[Report by Jim]
Mon - Wed 16-18th May 2011 - Minehead - Aly Kat (Dave Roberts)
Hard going with only 6 rays total on board and very windy. Alan had 2 rays including a 10.5lb small eyed ray and 3 species. Mick had 3 species.
Weather still not good so we went over to the Welsh side for the rays. Most rays on the boat was 12 for one angler and a total of 42 on the boat.
Alan had 3 rays and Mick had 5 rays and 5 species with the biggest tope at 15lb.
Weather still very windy so Welsh coast here we come. Mick had most on the boat with 7 rays and Alan had 4. 40 rays were caught in total.
Both Alan and Mick caught 2 species.
Overall Alan won the biggest specimen over the 4 days for a 10lb 8oz small eyed ray and Mick won a prize for the smallest ray!!
Dave Roberts is looking forward to welcoming the Club trip in July. Dave has bought the Sea Angling newspaper and Mick has a stack of them so if anyone is willing to take some to distribute please contact Mick at the next Club meeting.
[Report by Mick]
As far as BOATY points go -
Monday - Alan 5 Mick 1
Tuesday- Mick 6
Wednsday - Alan 1 Mick 5
Sunday 15th May 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dickie Legget)
With a strong breeze and with the wind over the tide after the first couple of hours fishing it was not easy. Lines under the boat, lines being blown
across the boat. There were some nice bream about though and not many pout. Those hoping for a few mackerel were disappointed but a couple of garfish
turned up.
Biggest fish was a lovely 3lb 13oz bream for Linda and Mick was the only one who managed to get all three species.
[Report by Jim]
Thursday 5th May 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
Still making the most of individuals days on Jenifers Pride, three members were scheduled to be aboard. For me the day started off badly.
I had set of early, intending to visit the tackle shop for a few worms and a gaze at the nice shiny lures set out to catch all the species of anglers,
have a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich at the cafe with the others and then gently toddle off to the boat. Unfortunately, due to a very nasty accident
on Bury Hill the previous night, the road was closed. Maybe no sandwich? Off down the diversion to join the back of a big queue. Maybe no cup of
tea either. After about ten minutes a man in a van coming the other way told me that everybody was turning round because the road was blocked by a
jammed HGV. I then gave up on the sandwich, the tea, and anything to do with the tackle shop. Now heading off down via the Chichester road, it was about
8:29 near Fontwell that I unsuccessfully tried to contact Steve on the boat (no credit on my mobile). I then started thinking it might just be
tackle shop, tea and sandwich but NO FISHING!!!. I finally got to the boat at nine o'clock. They had waited, Thank you, Thank you boys!.
Bream were the target and after a slowish start and re-anchoring
a couple of times we had a very good day, Robin showed the way having a couple of good fish early on and had four in the box before the rest of us
found any decent fish. Most of us on the boat managed a few good bream around the three pound mark. There were also a lot of bait-gorging little
pout, a couple of dogfish, two mackerel, and a goldsinny wrasse.
Jim had the biggest bream (4lb) = 6 points and Robin gains 3 points by catching most species (4).
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 3rd May 2011 - Club Meeting
20:30-ish start, not quite so many present.
Minutes of last meeting.
Treasurers report - Balance is quite healthy.
Beach report - Good Friday at East Preston - 6 Anglers turned up, bass featured heavily and were great fun. For the future Paul has organised
parking on the beach for the first two Beach competitions but for the third one may be a problem and so could possibly be relocated to the other
side of the island
Boat report - 6 reports - see below .
Boat bookings - practically all places on all boats snapped up at the meeting so not much left for non-attendees (see calendar).
Fish recorder/Publicity - see LHS of this page. Basically we are in good shape and some nice fish recorded.
Free boat draw
and raffle.
All done by 21:30 again - nice quick meeting.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 1st May 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
This was a "CAT day" because it would have been pretty uncomfortable fishing out there in a monohull. We stated out at the Boulder bank with the rest
of the Langstone catamarans with the wind against tide. After the tide turned things got a lot easier with the lines now going back behind the boat
and as it got away bream started coming aboard, not in huge numbers, but mostly of a good size. For the last couple of hours we moved further out
looking for smoothhounds but only one starry and two commons turned up although a few more bream were also caught out there in the deeper water.
Other species appearing (in order of abundance were - dogfish, corkwing wrasse,ballan wrasse, pout, mackerel, goldsinny wrasse and garfish.
Biggest fish was a 7 12oz common smoothhound to Bob Sparrow and Peter Talbot had the most (7) species so with nine club members aboard it was
eighteen points for Bob and nine for Peter.
[Report by Jim]
Friday 29th April 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
Yours truly (not particularly interested in "TV royal wedding celebrations" or the local street party) had investigated the possibliity of a trip and,
although all the other boats I knew were already fully committed, Jenifers Pride had a cancellation and the whole boat was available. Calls around
all the club members managed to raise three more participants, so were off to an early start (sail 6:00 a.m.). A bit cold to start with, even though
skipper Steve as usual turned up in shorts. The bream on the Kingmere did not seem to be very keen on our baits so when the tide turned Steve took us
off to "the ditch". The bream here were also pretty picky but certainly a better size.
The four of us ended up with four or five really nice sized bream each to take home (up to 3lb 4 oz for Mick). We also found a dogfish a garfish
and a ballan wrasse as well as a lot of pesky little pout.
Mick's Bream was the biggest and he also got the most species (4) so winning 12 points toward BAOTY.
Finally let no-one accuse us of being anti-wedding because we did find time to celebrate Will and Kate's nuptials with cake (THANKYOU Linda)
and a balloon.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 24th April 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Its suddenly Summer and we even if the mackerel have not got quitee as far as Hayling Island ten of us we are are off fishing for Bream and Smoothhound.
The weather could not be better, no wind and suncream required for those of us wishing to protect our delicate complexions.
First the hounds which were a good size and taking well then inshore for the bream which were not huge but also taking well.
Plenty of other species about so the bag also included pout, dogfish, garfish, ballan wrasse, and a lttle bull huss as well as two mini species
(a sea scorpion and a common blenny).
A great day.
Biggest fish was a 12lb 2oz common smoothhound to Linda and Mick had the most (7) species so 20 points for Linda and 10 for Mick.
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 19th April 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Malaki (Barry Handley)
Jack and myself were part of an 8 strong crew which set off at 7.00am. Barry had his own supply of live crab for the smoothies and we all had
squid for the Bream.
1st session we sat off Bracklesham Bay and had about 15 bream on the the boat to 2.5lb.
When the tide changed we went
out to the smoothie grounds and although the tide was running fast we were straight into the hounds with about 15-20 being boated all on
live crab baits.
3rd session was back to the morning's Bream mark, and despite a slow start, the Bream started feeding again towards the end of the day.
Overall a lovely sunny day with light winds and a great crew.
Jack - smoothound 8lb and small pouting, Warren - smoothound 10lb and Black Bream (best 2.2lb).
[Report by Warren]
Sunday 17th April 2011 - Weymouth - Tiger Lily (Chris Caines)
This was another induividuals day but we were hardly surrounded by stranger as we had met at least half the others on previous trips.
A good day with plenty of pollack around (although I was more successful with pout!), a few cod, whiting and the odd wrasse.
Mick's pollack was the biggest fish (4 points) and we both got five species (1 points to each of us).
[Report by Jim]
Saturday 16th April 2011 - Weymouth - Atlanta (Dave Pitman)
Having booked onto Tiger Lily for the Sunday Mick and I asked Chris itf he could find us spaces on a Weymouth boat for the Saturday.
We enjoyed a good day out with Dave and his Crewlady, Dee, who looked after us with plenty of tea and coffee and also filleted all the fish.
The weather was OK, not quite summer yet, but the mackerel were in good supply off the Bill, ten minutes gave us plenty for bait.
Lures accounted for at least a couple of pollack each and then the anchor went in. There were four congers (two accounted for by the skipper) and
then it was off to The Shambled Bank. Towing worms and mackerel fillets was not very successful producing just the one plaice for the whole
boat. Our catch for the day consisted of pollack to about 8lb, congers to 25lb, loads of mackerel, pout, one plaice and one cuckoo wrasse.
Mick's conger was the biggest fish (4 points) and I got five species (2 points) to Mick's four.
[Report by Jim]
Thursday 14th April 2011 - Littlehampton - Jenifers Pride (Steve Hipgrave)
The boat has changed ownership but Steve is still acting as skipper for a transition period until the new oner takes over completely.
Two of us joined this individuals trip for a bit of early bream fishing with our old friend Harry and Courtney (who was trying boat-fishing for
the first time). We were all quite successful despite the easterly wind (not very strong but a bit chilly)
The bream were there, not in huge numbers and a bit "picky", but good quality fish. Everyone managed to get four or five nice fish around the 2lb - 3lb mark and there was a sprinkling of other species.
In addition to the bream (to 3lb) there were the usual dogfish and pout as well as a pollack of about 5lb, a garfish and a cuckoo wrasse.
Our biggest fish was Mick's pollack and he also managed 5 species so 6 points for Mick.
[Report by Jim]
Monday April 11th - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Peter Thatcher and myself fished with Glen on a plaice hunt with success.
Peters weighed in at 2lb 11oz,
mine was a little smaller ( not weighed )
The fishing was slow due to an easterly wind and tide. The speed of the drift was about 4 knots.
Few fish were caught overall, however it was a beautiful day with hardly a cloud in the sky.
[Report by Chris]
Biggest fish to Peter and one species each
Sunday 10th April 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
As normal for a standard club charter on Valkyrie there the ten of us aboard.
On this chilly spring day (EAST wind again) we were offshore for rays and etc.
Almost everyone got a blonde ray (most of which were around 20lb), a few (small) whiting and the usual pout and dogfish.
There were also a couple of surprises (Glenn claimed to have predicted them "What did I tell you"!!!), a turbot and a brill.
Biggest fish was Matt Gibbs 25lb 12oz blonde ray (20 points) and there was a 4-way tie for species so 2.5 points each to Mick, Chris, Roy,
and Peter Talbot.
We also had a little visitor who stopped off for a little rest on his way across the channel but he didn't stay long
before having to fly.
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 5th April 2011 - Club Meeting
20:30-ish start with A good turnout - Standing room only.
Minutes of last meeting.
Treasurers report - Basically we are in good shape.
Beach report - Plaice disappointingly absent.
Boat report - 4 reports - see below .
Boat bookings - An extra trip has been organised for June to replace the one cancelled. By the end of the session, all were boats filled up to the end of
July (some with reserves), so those who missed the meeting will be disappointed if they were hoping to get on a club boat in the next 3 months.
Fish recorder/Publicity - see LHS of this page. Basically we are in good shape.
Free boat draw and raffle.
AOB - Are we going to book more boats? - At the moment demand SLIGHTLY exceeds supply, so at the moment NO, but we will keep the situation under review.
All done by 21:30
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 27th March 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
The trip was booked as a deep water event looking for spurdog, rays and bullhuss. As there was a wreck in the vicinity as well we also decided
to try for a few pollack. The first attempt was to drift a wreck for pollack which was spectacularly
unsuccessful. Even though we trailed a huge variety of lures, drift after drift produced NOTHING not a take between us. Then the anchor went in.
We anchored to fish down the bank to the wreck. We anchored to fish the top of the bank. We anchored to fish the edge of the wreck. We anchored to fish
the flat ground the other side of the wreck. All we got were little whiting, varying sizes of pout and dogfish.
The biggest fish was adjudged a 8-way tie due as no-one was going to weigh pout and dogs. The most species was a 7-way tie due to Nigel missing
out by persevering with lures (which rarely catch dogfish).
[Report by Jim]
Friday 25th March 2011 - Poole - True Blue (Steve Porter)
Myself and dad went Turbot fishing out of Poole on Steve Porters boat True Blue on the Shambles bank. This was a short notice trip
posted on the deepsea directory on Wednesday and including the skipper and crew, 14 of us set sail at 7.00am. Conditions all day were
excellant with the afternoon providing 'summer sun'. Steve shot his net twice for sandeels and we had a good hundred. Having said that
preferred choice of bait was a long mackeral strip on a long running ledger. The turbot started to bite straight away and by end of the the
day 18 Turbot were boated the biggest being 11lb. I say boated as dad, on the 2nd to last drift connected with something very large and
after a 5 minute battle what appeared on the surface was bigger than a dutbin lid, however the gods were not with us as due to a couple
of mishaps the leader snapped and despite effots to net it, it swam back down. Steve said he had never seen a Turbot so big and estimate
size was 20-25lb plus. I managed to get a couple of seconds video footage of it on the surface.
[Report by Warren]
only 2 club members aboard so under the rules they share the BOATY points for biggest fish and most species - so earning 3 points each
(even though both of them blanked).
Sunday 13th March 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Ten club members out a long day's pollacking. We went most of the way to France and visited half a dozen wrecks before we found one that was producing
well. We did end up with quite a few quality fish to our lures (mainly sidewinders and shads) and the only other species was pout. Everyone got at least one
pollack, with some getting up to double figures and most people also picked up a pout or two.
Biggest (15lb) went to Nigel Cross even though it threw the hook near the surface and was netted as it floated about and there was an 8-way tie
for most species (1.25 points each)
[Report by Jim]
Friday 11th March 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Two club members joined a crew for a bit of pollack fishing right out in the channel. Success was theirs, lots of pollack up to twelve pounds
and of course a few pout.
Mick Doody had the biggest fish of 12lbs (4 points) and he and Robin Wightwick got one point each for tying on number of species (2).
[Report by Mick]
Monday 7th March 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
Four club members, suffering from fishing withdrawal symptoms were aboard. We had been warned that the fishing was far from good and so it
turned out. The weather was not too bad so we went offshore to a couple of banks looking for blonde rays and anything else.
Very slow fishing although Glenn got out his fishing rod and between running the boat, making tea and doing a bit of boat maintenance, demonstrated
that his skills were not limited to driving the boat by
by catching a couple of dogfish, a pout and a smoothhound. We four only managed to find a couple of dogfish, a whiting and two blonde rays between us.
Jim Grant had the biggest fish, the blonde of 19lb 2oz (8 points) and tied with Mick doody with 2 species (2points each)
[Report by Jim]
Tuesday 1st March 2011 - Club Presentation Night
This was held in conjunction with our normal monthly meeting.
The trophies earned in 2011 were due to be presented at the February meeting but due to circumstances outside of the club's control,
the event had to be postponed.
Linda Talmadge, here recieving the Cod Cup, kindly provided an excellent selection of what she called nibbles
(nearly a meal, I thought). Thank you Linda!
Linda had her best year so far with the club, catching not only the biggest cod of the year but
also the only DOVER SOLE ever recorded by a club member(automatically a club record) and her first triggerfish.
Mick Doody (the tall one getting the HUGE Tope Tankard from me)
took home more certificates, cups, and shields than anyone else; all down to luck I am sure (BUT the more he practices the luckier he seems to get,
Mick and I presented the trophies, swapping over as necessary (you cannot present one to yourself - it looks silly).
Simon Harding is pictured accepting Bunters Trophy (biggest fish from the beach).
Chris Anscombe, seen here accepting the Beach Soecies Cup was
the most successful from the beach.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the meeting. Jim Henley, our club fundraiser, and Nigel Cross, rod and reel engineer extraordinaire are caught here.
They are either amused by one of my merry quips, discussing the raffle, or having a private joke at my expense (I have had a haircut now).
More details of trophy winners are available on the Trophy Winners page.
As chairman I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my committee for all the hard work they put in throughout the year so that we all get
the best out of our fishing trips and keep the club running (relatively) smoothly.
Thanks should also go to all the club members who support the club by turning up at meetings, booking trips, sending in reports as well as
helping other members and guests with advice, tackle loans and equipment repairs.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 13th February 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
CANCELLED - due to bad weather forecast.
Sunday 30 January 2011 - Littlehampton - Lynander (Dick Legget)
COLD and quite breezy but we went out to the deeper water for whiting and possible cod, even stopping on the way for a couple of drifts on a wreck.
Unfortunately there was no result on the wreck and the cod failed to turn up so it was a few decent whiting and the usual dogs and pout.
The bigget fish was a pout of well over 2 pounds for Nigel Cross (22 points) and five of us (Nigel, Mick, Jim, Roy and Peter) managed to get three
species (1.4 points each).
Roll on the warmer, more productive weather.
[Report by Jim]
Sunday 2nd January 2011 - Hayling (Langstone) - Valkyrie (Glenn Cairns)
A lovely winters day, chilly but clear with very little wind. The cunning plan was to have a few hours inshore by the Nab and then out to the
deeper water once the tide had eased a little. We stuck to the plan but did very little better than the boats that stayed inshore for the whole day.
Most people caught a couple of whiting and at least there were a few sizeable ones among them. The rest of the bag consisted of a couple of pout,
a poorcod, one dogfish (only one!) and a brill.
Roy Hebburn was the star, he had the brill (2lb 1z) and also a whiting of 2lb 13oz giving him the
biggest fish of the day (22 points) as well as getting three species as did Alan Whittaker (5.5 poimts each).
[Report by Jim]
(2010 reports Here )